Monday, October 23, 2006

radical cartography

yes, we're also using
this site for some assigned readings, but the whole site is a collection of, well, radical cartography.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

information aesthetics

Check out this blog on the aesthetics of information. It's mainly about new ways to convey information but there are some great posts about mapping. Best way to find them is on the right hand side under "EXPLORE," choose the heading "locative."


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2006 machinima awards nominees (the mackies)

"After a grueling screening process, which was spent scrutinizing an exceptionally strong field of entries, the 2006 Mackie nominations have been selected."


what the heck is machinima?

global webcam view

here's a neat-o mapping/animation video. time-lapse composite of webcams from around the world.

Monday, October 09, 2006

second life, pop. 800,000+

"Second Life" now has more than 800,000 denizens, of whom more than a hundred are earning a real-world, full-time living there, selling things like virtual land, clothes, jewelry, weaponry and pets, or by offering virtual services, notably sex. link

color palette generator

handy tool

the long zoom - the ultimate 'mapping' video game?

Most eras have distinct “ways of seeing” that end up defining the period in retrospect: the fixed perspective of Renaissance art, the scattered collages of Cubism, the rapid-fire cuts introduced by MTV and the channel-surfing of the 80’s...But a decade or two from now, when we look back at this period, it is more likely that the work that will fix the long zoom in the popular imagination will be neither a movie nor a book nor anything associated with the cultural products that dominated the 20th century. It will be a computer game.

NY times article